The FOCUS office building is a space for which sustainable development and care for the natural environment are important aspects in the real estate life cycle.
The FOCUS office building is a space for which sustainable development and care for the natural environment are important aspects in the real estate life cycle.
Our action plan is to constantly improve the quality of your work, optimize energy consumption and minimize the negative impact on the natural environment.
The Breeam In-Use certificate obtained for the FOCUS building defines the patterns for the implementation and operation of highly efficient "green buildings" in the main fields such as: sustainable land development, saving water resources, energy efficiency, choice of materials and quality of the environment inside the building. The Warsaw office building FOCUS obtained the BREEAM In-Use certificate, awarded to existing buildings, at the "Very Good" level as part of the building assessment and "Excellent" level as part of Building Management.
Our goal is also to promote pro-ecological attitudes, thanks to which we can #TEN take care of our home - the Earth.
WHAT? - We encourage all of you to join the "HOUR FOR THE EARTH" campaign;
WHEN? - On March 27, 2021, from 20:30 to 21:30;
HOW? - Building lighting will be dimmed to the necessary minimum. On this day, you can also join the action by turning off the lighting not only in your office.
We hope that together, we will symbolically join this year's edition of the "Earth Hour" event.